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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Pick The Right Tripod For The Job!

There is nothing more aggravating than having a tripod unsuited to the task at hand. In order for a tripod to be steady enough, it has to be heavy enough to counteract the vibrations imparted from the slap of a shutter closing. The Manfrotto 190XB fails to do so. At f/18, in order to maximize sharpness of the image, at a shutter speed of 2 sec, there is a noticeable vibration that has been imparted to the tripod which translates into a blurry picture.

The only way to truly get your photos completely rock solid steady with a tripod unsuited to the task is to either do one of two things: 1) stand clear and use a shutter release or 2) put your hand on the tripod and the camera and hold the tripod rock-steady while depressing the shutter.

The more expensive option and perhaps the right solution is to get the right tripod to do the job you want.

Blurry Shot.

Close up of blurry lights

I had to use option #2 as my Manfrotto 190XB is not suitable for the weight and vibration of the D300s that it is supposed to absorb into the frame. Hence the reason that I will be looking to upgrade up completely into a Gitzo frame suitable for wildlife super-telephoto lenses. Either way, option #2 is still a must no matter what size of lens you use. Holding the camera steady on your tripod supports is the only way that you will get a steady shot. The size and weight of the tripod is a definite help to keeping your camera rock-steady allowing you to concentrate on the shot rather than worrying if your camera is steady.

The keeper shot.

Also, play it safe. Take multiple shots, just to be certain.

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